When thoughts cross your mind..write them down.

At times it seems that life sends you messages. These messages cross the past to the present and at times even to the future. It is important that these moments are recorded, you never know when one of these messages may be an answer to something you haven't yet asked.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

General Relief Society meesages to me.

I was grateful for the opportunity to attend General Relief Society Saturday evening. I even took notes as I searched for answers for the questions I have been facing.

The messages I found for myself were:

Eliminate the non-essentials in your life.
Visiting Teaching is an official calling-it is a faith based work and is never "finished".
Never suppress a generous thought.
If we do our part in giving service, angels will be our associates.
The gap is the place between what we know is right and what we actually do.
There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God.
Feelings of charity come from God.

***Angles do not come in the form of cards,
but in service opportunities that are either given or received.***

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Messages come from many sources, the Holy Ghost being the main source. Others may be prompted to tell you something, this being an answer. Sometimes we do not like the source that the answer comes from so we reject it or deny the possibility of the truth told to us.

What is confusing is that the world has many ideas on getting answers for questions. Psychics, tarot cards, etc... those using these methods feel they are in tune with the "other side" and that they can help you seek the answers for the questions you are faced with.

Recently I had someone use one of these methods on me. The were using what was called "Angel Cards." I was told to place them on my heart for a time. Then I pulled four random cards from the deck. It was a rather interesting combination of messages-I have been considering my current job and the stress that comes from it.. I am gone a lot and working a lot, I am distracted and closed off. It has caused a lot of stress at home. I have wondered whether I should return to school to gain some more specific skills ion my position so that I am better capable of doing my job. But how do I take on one more thing? How do I add something more to my schedule? I have felt a huge frustration with my marriage, I am distant from John, and I have a lot of frustrating feelings that I do not know how to express, they are selfish and will probably cause more harm than good. So I remain silent and I bury my feelings, but they are still there. In my job I have been pulled away from the clients, I no longer have interaction with them and I miss that, yet there is no way to change that without once again adding to my current work load. No answers.....

But what upsets me most is that these "messages" although so close to what I am currently feeling, are not coming from God. I know that messages or promptings can come from a lot of sources, but are these real? Or are they something to pull me away from the truth, and the promptings of the Holy Ghost? I have felt Satan working on me overtime lately, pulling at my thoughts and emotions, encouraging the bitterness and resentment that I am struggling with. Is this one more ploy to turn me in a different direction?

It is definitely time for some personal reflection....and I know that to do it right I need to turn to God.

Friday, September 18, 2009

One year ago tomorrow my father passed away. Seems a time for reflection.

What have I learned?

Everyone deals with grief in a different way...
Old wounds close slowly...
Memories fade quickly...
The "what ifs" are hard to face...
Death doesn't always changes things...
Ask questions now rather than later...
Take lots of pictures...save them all...
Write things down when they happen so the memory remains fresh...
Put the past in the past and bury it deep...

I love you Dad...wish you were here so I could tell you this in person.