When thoughts cross your mind..write them down.

At times it seems that life sends you messages. These messages cross the past to the present and at times even to the future. It is important that these moments are recorded, you never know when one of these messages may be an answer to something you haven't yet asked.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Answers to questions I didn't ask

I was reading my scriptures yesterday and as per my new way of doing things I started with a prayer asking for direction in some very specific topics. I began with the Book of Mormon, sharing some time with Nephi and his family in 1 Nephi. (Nephi always amazes me with how courageous he is with is testimony).

I then turned to the 2016 General Conference talks. I have chosen to read through all of them prior to the upcoming conference in April. Carol F. McConkie  was the talk for today.

She began with the statement "Men ought to always pray and not faith". 

She went on to talk about how to pray to our Father in Heaven.

  • We pray to our Father in Heaven-He will console you in your afflictions and ye may feast upon His love. 
  • We pray in the name of Jesus Christ-Because our salvation is in Christ, only through Him are we saved. He is our advocate with the Father. 
  • We pray by the power of the Holy Ghost. D&C 46:30
It is important to know how to receive answers to our prayer-What is God's intention, what is His will concerning me?  D&C 101:16-Be still and know that I am God. 

Sincere desires offered in a spirit of gratitude for abundant blessings and gratitude for the lessons of life instill in our hearts steadfast faith in Christ, a “brightness of HOPE, and a love of God and of all men". 

Prayer is a GIFT from God-It is precious time with out Father in Heaven,

When I finished this talk and reviewed my notes I was at first a little disappointed, I closed my study with prayer and began to go about my day. 

Then this thought intruded on my mind. 

"Where were you when you prayed? Where was your mind?" 

I had an image come to me of a child talking to their parent. The parent was multi-tasking while the child talked. She claimed "I am listening I hear you." But the child recognized that she wasn't really listening, not with sincerity, patience and focused attention on her. 

I realized then that God had answered me. He just answered a question I had not asked. 

How can I receive the answers I am seeking? 

The answer was I need to listen better.....

1 comment:

  1. Great answer. I think that could be true for everyone. This reminds me of a talk that a student gave when we were serving in the YSA stake. She said she'd been having a conversation with
    God and it had been like a normal woman talking in and on and Him listening...until she felt the answer "Be still! And know that I am God!" She said she stopped talking and gave him a turn.
    I learned from her and I believe that perspective has helped me since.
    Thanks for the post!
