I had forgotten how good it feels to take pencil in hand and bring an image to life on paper. Here are a few of my renewed attempts.
When thoughts cross your mind..write them down.
At times it seems that life sends you messages. These messages cross the past to the present and at times even to the future. It is important that these moments are recorded, you never know when one of these messages may be an answer to something you haven't yet asked.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Prince of Peace
I am in a place of darkness, surrounded by whispering voices
They say you are not whole because of your choices.
The place is dark and cold, I am alone and afraid.
I can’t see the path that before me is laid.
My feet are frozen in place. My soul cries for release.
The darkness creeps closer, I feel no sense of peace.
My soul is tormented, harrowed by grief,
I long to be rescued, I long for relief.
A light inside dimmed by the night
Pulses softly, not giving up the fight.
“Someone has done it”. A soft voice speaks
“He all ready saved you If you only believe.”
My faith isn’t strong enough, I bow my head in shame
He suffered for me. His pain bears my name.
The darkness closes around me I feel it across my soul
The seductive power of despair. How can I escape the pull?
A thought crosses my mind, a whisper of a promise fulfilled.
“He loves you complete…He loves you whole, he loves you still.”
It can’t be true, how can it be? My distraught mind asks.
I am not worthy, am I not true. I have failed in the most important tasks
I have not loved as I should, I have not given as I could
I have not trusted the gift, I have left an un-healable rift
I have pushed away my Savior, My friend and my healer
To wallow in self pity, and hold to things petty.
How am I worthy of such an offer? I shudder to think of the cost
My failures have added to the man who saves those who are lost.
The light within smiles, a warmth begins to spread
Banishing the darkness and the cold feeling of dread.
“Because he is who is he is”. The light proclaims
“The Savior of all who call on his name.”
“You are his…” The voice commands
“Come unto him who truly understands.”
My heart is weak, I shed tears doubt.
But my hand stretches out into the darkness around.
A hand touches mine…Closes so tightly
The Light from within glowing so brightly.
Showing the path so recently hidden
By the darkness that held my soul in prison.
I stumble along being led down the path
Uncertain who holds my hand so fast.
The warmth fills my soul and pulses in my mind
“Peace be unto you.” It whispers so kind.
“Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty Father, the Prince of Peace.
He is the once that can give release.”
The darkness fades I walk in the light
The world around me seems so bright.
I turn to see who led my way
Not knowing what I could ever say.
He stands by my side His hands outstretched
In his palms my name appears etched.
“Why did you choose to suffer alone?
When I already bore the pains of your soul.”
He draws me in holding me in his embrace
Peace fills my soul an unfamiliar taste.
“Prince of Peace” I truly believe
His gift to me I gratefully receive.
“You are stronger than you think” His gentle voice speaks
“You can overcome the trials that make you feel weak.
You have the power within the strength God given,
To become the woman that you have hidden.
The deceiver would have you doubt the divinity of your soul
He lost his own In his want for control.”
“You are a woman of strength, a daughter of God.
A choice maiden of heaven who holds to the rod.
You may stumble and fall but never forget
I am by your side, I will always protect.
I am you brother, your savior your friend indeed.
I will never leave you in your time of need. “
He kissed me softly, his love filled my soul.
He left me there but alone no more.
Afraid? At times yes but I trust in his word.
I will never leave you…his voice I heard.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Positive thoughts for today
Today was a day to acknowledge that I am valued by others in my life. After Sunday School a woman sitting behind me whispered softly, "I appreciate your comments in class, they always make me see things in a different way." I appreciated the comment since I worry that I often say to much in our Church meetings. My thoughts and perspective on things are important and valued by others. I can make a difference in other peoples lives.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Leadership Training
Lessons learned from my leaders:
The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple, we make it complicated.
We need to be realistic, we should not out unnecessary pressure on ourselves.
We tend to focus on the "list of things to do" so much that we miss the whispering of the spirit, we need to make sure we put ourselves on the list.
Balance for ourselves
*Recognize out own limits. (D&C 10:4 Do not walk faster than you have strength)
*Keep ourselves spiritually intact. (Mosiah 4:27 There is wisdom in order)
*Do not fall in to the idea of anxious perfectionism (Perfect means whole, balances, complete with integrity)
Balance for our families
*First priority-relationship with our spouse (Proclamation to the Family-Husbands and wives have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness, mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.)
*Second priority our children-(Proclamation to the Family-Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.
*Balance in giving service-"Treasure the doing more than the getting it done". If we are not in balance with ourselves and our family service becomes a resentful thing rather than a joyous thing.
A simple balanced life will receive revelation and find joy!
The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple, we make it complicated.
We need to be realistic, we should not out unnecessary pressure on ourselves.
We tend to focus on the "list of things to do" so much that we miss the whispering of the spirit, we need to make sure we put ourselves on the list.
Balance for ourselves
*Recognize out own limits. (D&C 10:4 Do not walk faster than you have strength)
*Keep ourselves spiritually intact. (Mosiah 4:27 There is wisdom in order)
*Do not fall in to the idea of anxious perfectionism (Perfect means whole, balances, complete with integrity)
Balance for our families
*First priority-relationship with our spouse (Proclamation to the Family-Husbands and wives have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness, mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.)
*Second priority our children-(Proclamation to the Family-Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.
*Balance in giving service-"Treasure the doing more than the getting it done". If we are not in balance with ourselves and our family service becomes a resentful thing rather than a joyous thing.
A simple balanced life will receive revelation and find joy!
The Mirror
When I look in the mirror who do I see in the woman looking back at me?
A simple face, hair somewhat in place, with a wrinkle or two...or three.
Her eyes show the strife or everyday life, her heart sheds bitter tears silently.
Errors from the past, hold to her fast, the light of her soul shines dimly.
Not good enough, not worthy of love, she tries to see past the memory.
But the image remains the face stays the same, she can't help wondering what others can see?
When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
A bride in white, full of the gospel's light, his companion for eternity?
Her mind reflects on that special day, when across the altar their hands lay.
His eyes so blue, their spoken vows true, reflections of forever displayed.
Have I forgotten the feeling of our eternal sealing in the person I have chosen to be?
When I look in the mirror who do they see in the woman looking back at me?
Someone who cares, their burden she bares, a mother's love continually?
She sees each face as they made a place in her heart and eternal family.
Have my priorities shifted, my focused drifted from these souls placed in my responsibility?
When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
His sister in spirit, divine nature inherent who chose the test of mortality?
Her Savior's love, unconditional from above, his life he gave...her soul he saved,
Can I doubt his gift for me?
When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
His daughter divine of a royal line, a woman of great quality?
Who stood in the crowd and shouted out loud, her faith in the plan that would be?
Am I a woman of strength, conviction and faith?
Or has life drained it out of me?
When I look in the mirror what should I see in the woman looking back at me?
A companion eternal, a mother maternal, a sister and daughter of divinity?
My choice to make each day I awake...I have the power within me.
I look in the mirror displayed...the image before me soon fades.
The reflection replaced by a familiar face but one still strange to me.
The woman the others could see...a woman of inner beauty.
A simple face, hair somewhat in place, with a wrinkle or two...or three.
Her eyes show the strife or everyday life, her heart sheds bitter tears silently.
Errors from the past, hold to her fast, the light of her soul shines dimly.
Not good enough, not worthy of love, she tries to see past the memory.
But the image remains the face stays the same, she can't help wondering what others can see?
When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
A bride in white, full of the gospel's light, his companion for eternity?
Her mind reflects on that special day, when across the altar their hands lay.
His eyes so blue, their spoken vows true, reflections of forever displayed.
Have I forgotten the feeling of our eternal sealing in the person I have chosen to be?
When I look in the mirror who do they see in the woman looking back at me?
Someone who cares, their burden she bares, a mother's love continually?
She sees each face as they made a place in her heart and eternal family.
Have my priorities shifted, my focused drifted from these souls placed in my responsibility?
When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
His sister in spirit, divine nature inherent who chose the test of mortality?
Her Savior's love, unconditional from above, his life he gave...her soul he saved,
Can I doubt his gift for me?
When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
His daughter divine of a royal line, a woman of great quality?
Who stood in the crowd and shouted out loud, her faith in the plan that would be?
Am I a woman of strength, conviction and faith?
Or has life drained it out of me?
When I look in the mirror what should I see in the woman looking back at me?
A companion eternal, a mother maternal, a sister and daughter of divinity?
My choice to make each day I awake...I have the power within me.
I look in the mirror displayed...the image before me soon fades.
The reflection replaced by a familiar face but one still strange to me.
The woman the others could see...a woman of inner beauty.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Today in Church and at home the message were clear.
First a BYU devotional on TV on the chaos in the homes how to avoid it, how to realize where the Chaos is coming from. Then a Sunday School message on the Chaos and Oppression that the deceiver is spreading over the world, and our simple choice to have Faith in the power of God, his plan and his love for us... with a special focus on Isaiah 53 wherein it describes the plan and the Savior's atoning sacrifice, followed by a lesson in Relief Society on Repentance.
How grateful I am that I felt in tune with the spirit today and listened to the messages being taught, because the minute I got home I was once again bombarded with the doubts, the bitterness, and the whisperings of negativity that seem to pervade my thoughts these days.
And so I look to the scriptures and my faith in the Savior to give me direction and strength as I continue to try to put my life in order, and bring the spirit in to my home.

Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.
First a BYU devotional on TV on the chaos in the homes how to avoid it, how to realize where the Chaos is coming from. Then a Sunday School message on the Chaos and Oppression that the deceiver is spreading over the world, and our simple choice to have Faith in the power of God, his plan and his love for us... with a special focus on Isaiah 53 wherein it describes the plan and the Savior's atoning sacrifice, followed by a lesson in Relief Society on Repentance.
How grateful I am that I felt in tune with the spirit today and listened to the messages being taught, because the minute I got home I was once again bombarded with the doubts, the bitterness, and the whisperings of negativity that seem to pervade my thoughts these days.
And so I look to the scriptures and my faith in the Savior to give me direction and strength as I continue to try to put my life in order, and bring the spirit in to my home.

And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Choice made.
Price paid.
Consequence determined.
She carries the burden.
Seeking release?
A place of peace...
His hands bare the sign.
The offering divine.
The deceivers words sway.
And pride bars the way.
The spirit inside,
whispers...Turn to the light!
His promise for all,
Who on their knees fall.
Turning their hearts from the world
Trusting their burdens to the Lord
Choice made
Price paid
Soul saved.
Price paid.
Consequence determined.
She carries the burden.
Seeking release?
A place of peace...
His hands bare the sign.
The offering divine.
The deceivers words sway.
And pride bars the way.
The spirit inside,
whispers...Turn to the light!
His promise for all,
Who on their knees fall.
Turning their hearts from the world
Trusting their burdens to the Lord
Choice made
Price paid
Soul saved.
Friday, July 23, 2010
reflecting on the past....
So I started a new blog....one specifically for my work. In the process of putting it together I had to reminisce about the experiences I have had in my line of work, what brought me into the field, what I wanted to get out of it and what I have learned from it. The new blog address is http://discoverthejourney2010.blogspot.com/
Perhaps I have to many blogs....I am not doing well on keeping the ones I have up to date, but the discover the journey is dedicated to my experiences as a foster parent, and in working with kids who are at a disadvantage in this all ready hard world.
I only hope something I say will be of help to others....
Perhaps I have to many blogs....I am not doing well on keeping the ones I have up to date, but the discover the journey is dedicated to my experiences as a foster parent, and in working with kids who are at a disadvantage in this all ready hard world.
I only hope something I say will be of help to others....
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