When thoughts cross your mind..write them down.

At times it seems that life sends you messages. These messages cross the past to the present and at times even to the future. It is important that these moments are recorded, you never know when one of these messages may be an answer to something you haven't yet asked.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Mirror

When I look in the mirror who do I see in the woman looking back at me?
A simple face, hair somewhat in place, with a wrinkle or two...or three.
Her eyes show the strife or everyday life, her heart sheds bitter tears silently.
Errors from the past, hold to her fast, the light of her soul shines dimly.
Not good enough, not worthy of love, she tries to see past the memory. 
But the image remains the face stays the same, she can't help wondering what others can see?

When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
A bride in white, full of the gospel's light, his companion for eternity?
Her mind reflects on that special day, when across the altar their hands lay.
His eyes so blue, their spoken vows true, reflections of forever displayed.
Have I forgotten the feeling of our eternal sealing in the person I have chosen to be?

When I look in the mirror who do they see in the woman looking back at me?
Someone who cares, their burden she bares, a mother's love continually?
She sees each face as they made a place in her heart and eternal family.
Have my priorities shifted, my focused drifted from these souls placed in my responsibility?

When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
His sister in spirit, divine nature inherent who chose the test of mortality?
Her Savior's love, unconditional from above, his life he gave...her soul he saved,
Can I doubt his gift for me?

When I look in the mirror who does he see in the woman looking back at me?
His daughter divine of a royal line, a woman of great quality?
Who stood in the crowd and shouted out loud, her faith in the plan that would be?
Am I a woman of strength, conviction and faith?
Or has life drained it out of me?

When I look in the mirror what should I see in the woman looking back at me?
A companion eternal, a mother maternal, a sister and daughter of divinity?
My choice to make each day I awake...I have the power within me.
I look in the mirror displayed...the image before me soon fades.
The reflection replaced by a familiar face but one still strange to me.

The woman the others could see...a woman of inner beauty.

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