When thoughts cross your mind..write them down.

At times it seems that life sends you messages. These messages cross the past to the present and at times even to the future. It is important that these moments are recorded, you never know when one of these messages may be an answer to something you haven't yet asked.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I am up and ready for the day, yet I linger in the house as if I don't dare leave it.
There is a sense of waiting that permeates the air and I find I am waiting with it, breathing it in.
I walk from room to room searching for whatever is coming, or perhaps leaving?
Each room holds an image, a memory, all displayed for view, but frozen in anticipation.
I come to the last room, there is a door slightly ajar, light pours from the tiny opening, I reach for the handle to pull it open....but find that I can not move...
It is not yet time, the waiting continues...for now.

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